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John Leoric's Latest Activity
John Leoric Quizon added Visit all 50 states to his bucket list. - over a year ago
John Leoric Quizon added Fly on a plane by myself to his bucket list. - over a year ago
John Leoric Quizon added Shower in a waterfall to his bucket list. - over a year ago
John Leoric Quizon is now friends with Ria T. - over a year ago
John Leoric Quizon added a photo to his profile. - over a year ago


Live Stream for John Leoric
Ria T completed Attend a movie alone. - over a year ago
Ria T completed see snow falling from the sky. - over a year ago
Ria T completed be in two or four places at once. - over a year ago
Ria T completed Go on a random unplanned road trip. - over a year ago

"To arizona"

Ria T completed move out of state. - over a year ago
Ria T completed donate blood. - over a year ago
Ria T completed live in an apartment by myself. - over a year ago
Ria T completed save a life. - over a year ago
Ria T completed watch a broadway play. - over a year ago
Ria T completed Visit Niagara Falls. - over a year ago
Ria T completed Be in fulltime ministry. - over a year ago
Ria T added Be in fulltime ministry to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Ria T completed be a missionary nurse. - over a year ago
John Leoric Quizon added Visit all 50 states to his bucket list. - over a year ago
John Leoric Quizon added Fly on a plane by myself to his bucket list. - over a year ago
John Leoric Quizon added Shower in a waterfall to his bucket list. - over a year ago
Ria T added be a missionary nurse to her bucket list. - over a year ago
John Leoric Quizon is now friends with Ria T. - over a year ago
John Leoric Quizon added a photo to his profile. - over a year ago
John Leoric Quizon added visit hawaii to his bucket list. - over a year ago

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